November 9, 2006

Dodging a bullet, as it were

Overheard from the backseat while I was driving Peach and four other girls to a field trip today:

Friend of Peach: I see the Capitol!
Peach: I see it, too!
FOP: Know what? I was conceived at the Capitol. That's where I was conceived.
P: What do you mean, conceived?
FOP: You know, conCEIVED. My dad worked at the Capitol and my mom was pregnant and then the people heard all this screaming and they came running downstairs and that's where I was conceived. The Capitol.
P: Oh.

LT (silently): Oh shit. Here it comes.

P: Mommy? Where was I conceived?
LT: I think FOP means her mom went into labor at the Capitol. She means that's when it was time for her mom to give birth. I went into labor while I was at work and then I drove to the hospital and you were born. (Pause)
P: So what's conceived? What does that mean? (Damn.)
FOP: Yeah, what's conceived? (So not my job, kid.)

(Silence - just the Cheetah Girls II soundtrack. Don't ask.)

LT: Well, it means ... Conceived means ... Well, it's just a completely different thing. FOP was talking about when her mom went into labor, and OH LOOK! Here we are! Yay field trip!

I am such a wuss.


Me said...

HAHAHA! Good one, LT. We've had discussion of a similar vein here. The daughter saw a Tampax commercial back in April and asked me what they were for. So I told her.

The Daughter:"Ewww."
Me:"Yeah, pretty much."

And her stepmother is preggers (which you already know), so she asked her "just how is that baby going to come out, anyway?" So Adrienne told her and TD said something like "But how are you going to push it out?" So Adrienne got a book and showed her.

TD:"That's disgusting."

Let's hope she keeps that opinion for at least another 7 or 8 years. Please God.

Bookhart said...

There's a time and a place to explain the whole conception thing, and in the car on the way to a field trip with a friend is not the place. Beautifully handled, I say.