August 17, 2006

Out of the Mouths of Babes

My babe, to be specific. The little one. With the big ideas. And the adorable way she drops the "s" at the beginning of most words that start with an "s" blend - like "(s)chool" "(s)tickers" "(s)poon." A recent dinner conversation:

O: I need my poon! I need my poon to eat my trawbeawees!
P: Here's a poon.
O: No, no dat one! I want dis poon!
P: That's my poon!
LT: P, just give her your poon, I mean spoon.
O: Thanks, sis. (eats furiously) Whoo! I'm tuffed!

Olive is also quite the backseat driver, and we actually had to have a lesson about "turning right on red" after this little exchange:

O: Wed light! Top!
(LT stops, pauses, starts turning right)
O: MOM-MEEE! NO! Wed means top! Gween means go!
LT: Yes, baby, I know. But, if there are no cars coming ...
O: Mommy, wed means TOP! Daddy tops!
LT: He is the tops. And I wish he was here right now.

And finally, you know how you'll talk about something with your children, and then you talk about something else, thinking the first thing is forgotten, but then it pops up later, out of nowhere, and it makes for good comedy? Yeah, that happened the other day, too.

Olive has been messing with one of her ears, and I've looked and the doc's looked, and there's nothing wrong with it. She just keeps talking about it and is obsessed with putting alcohol in it, like we do after swimming. Everclear, by the way, in case Mommy needs a little nip now and then. Anyway, we were talking about our big trip to Disneyworld in November and all the characters we're going to see (which should be interesting since she spent the better part of dinner at Red Robin the other night buried in my lap because the Wed Wobin was going to "get" her). We were talking about going to Mickey and Minnie's houses, and Olive pops up with this:

O: Mommy, does Minnie have alcohol at her house?
LT: (smirking) Yes, baby, I imagine she does. Lots of it.
O: Yes - because her ears are so big.

An angel straight from heaven. By way of the old country, what with the olive skin and dark eyes and hair.


Bookhart said...

That is the funniest thing. I suspect that Minnie Mouse needs her alcohol -- imagine trying to keep up with Mickey.

Me said...

She seems to be a very observant girl.

My eight-year old daughter used to drop her "S's" when she was a toddler. Except it was the "s" in the middle of a word. She could say things like "spoon" or "cats." There were two equines living behind our old house.

Yep, you got it...

"Whores Mommy, whores!"
"Um, yes, dear, hor*s*es."