February 25, 2007

The Big Night

My whole life, I have loved watching the Oscars. I always make ballots for everyone, we have lots of snacks, and I usually cry at least twice. And there can be no questions or talking about ANYTHING until a commercial break. Seriously. Ask Karla May.

So as I prepare for tonight's big show, my newest partner in crime, Peach, has just submitted her ballot. This is the third year that she's been really interested, and tonight, she may actually make it through the whole show. Having seen exactly one of the movies nominated in any of the categories (Cars), her picks are still fairly informed. She chose Dreamgirls and The Queen in every category in which they're nominated, but she also chose some winners based purely on their names - just like her mama picks horses.

Her picks include: Cars, Children of Men, Little Children, Little Miss Sunshine, and Pirates of the Caribbean (she rode it at Mouse World). Her best actor pick is based on the name of her most favorite cousin in the whole world, and being the budding young Catholic that she is, she chose Jesus Camp and The Saviour in their respective categories. Perfect.

Now I'm off for five of the best hours of the whole year - so DON'T call me.


Anonymous said...

You're a freak. And I love it.

Having fun watching the Oscars?

Dude. I heart her Ellen's Oscar Bjorn.

Anonymous said...

You're damn cute. And I promose not to call!

Anonymous said...

Dang. Vocabulary skills fall in direct correlation to wine consumption.