I love
CSI: Miami. I caught a re-run late one night about a year ago, and now, every time I flip past it on TBS or A&E or whatever channel it comes on in syndication, I have to watch it. I don't even know when it comes on for real, on regular TV, or even what channel it comes on, but I'll sit and watch two or three re-runs in a row, in the wee hours, because I love it so much. And yet, I hate him. You know,
him (directing your attention to the photo). He is so awful, it's laughable. But also, completely addictive. Not since Captain Kirk has a character so sustained himself on chewed up scenery and halting line delivery. Really, is it supposed to be funny? Because it is. And who knew the physical business power (drama geek, anyone?) of a pair of shitty sunglasses? The man works those things like his life depends on it, which, in some episode I've not yet seen, it probably actually DOES depend on it. It's insane. And are these people beat cops or scientists or what? I haven't seen enough episodes in any kind of order to figure out any running plotlines or backstories, but they all sure carry some big ass guns around. And while he,
he, never puts on a lab coat or whips out a microscope, I think he's the boss of the scientists and dazzles them with his supreme intelligence and rapier wit, that is, when he's not shooting at people or verbally bitch-slapping bad guys. And don't even get me started on the set. The alleged "crime lab" looks like a GD nightclub, so I can never tell if they're at "work" or having drinks in South Beach. It's all very confusing to me. But it's a comedy, right? You be the
I, too, love CSI MIami! I don't know if it's because of Horatio's stilted dialogue, the cast's bad acting or the fact that the ME turns up at a bloody crime scene in stilettos and a white pantsuit and talks to the corpse ("Baby girl, why did they do this to you?") -I love it all! Besides, it's the most visually arresting show on TV...
My family has a thing for CSI: Miami, Star Trek and 24 for the same reason as you.
We have one particular favorite line from CSI, spoken by the absurd red haired guy whose name don't remember. He was scolding some bad boy CSI guy in that goofy half-whisper voice, "That's not the CSI way."
Just yesterday I woke to find my husband, Mr. Lemony, sitting in the kitchen with his red hair askew, wearing sunglasses. He looked at me and deadpanned, "It's the CSI way".
I really like David Caruso, which can be a dirty secret to some people, but I'm rather into embracing my closet self.
I really like Frosted Flakes, too.
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