January 10, 2007

Just to Clarify

This T-Bone(s) is not MY T-Bone. I know, it's confusing. But you can go here to get your own CB handle. And you can go here to check out my T-Bone's new music blog.

And remember:


Anonymous said...

That guy makes me HOTT! I'm glad this T-Bone is available, unlike yours.

Are you going to BlogHer, btw?

Karla May said...

Even though I'm sort of sure that THAT T-bone's appearance on a latter day SNL is what begat the "T-bone" nickname, I would never EVER get the two cornfrused.

But I DO think your T-bone would look wicked cool in a pseudo velour/terry pullover thingamagig like the Comedy Central T-bone is sporting...

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that's not your T-Bone. For you.