January 3, 2007

'Cause I Like to Party *

So far, 2007 has been fairly quiet around here. T-Bone and I rang in El Ano Nuevo in our pajamas with some cold beers and much hilarity courtesy of the uncut version of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Damn, I wish John C. Reilly was my friend. Earlier, our anniversary dinner at Chuy's was punctuated by Olive's spill from her booster chair, which silenced the room and embarrassed her immensely. Thankfully, she barely scraped her chin on the table on the way down and quickly recovered when our genius waitress brought both girls some ice cream to diffuse the situation. You rock, waitress-whose-name-escapes-me-now. Happy New Year to you.
We entertained T-Bone's bro and his family on New Year's Day and ate even more Tex-Mex(!) alongside our black eyed peas and collards. I really think I need some kind of therapy to cure me of this lifelong addiction to beans, cheese, and guacamole and the various combinations thereof. But at least give me my tortillas. Can't. live. without. those. Or sugary-as-shit pralines.
I've spent the better part of the last two days slowly but surely taking down the Christmas stuff. The tree went yesterday, and I've done everything else except the kitchen window vignette (yes, I said it), which is so cheery, I think its absence will actually throw me into some kind of depression. I keep everything in plastic bins in my closet, though, so if the mood strikes, I can open them up and pet my pretties. Freak.
As far as resolutions, well, who doesn't want financial security and a (real, not "exotic") dancer's bod? But, knowing me and my limitations, I'll just go with an overall "Cut the chatter - Spin the platter" (i.e., less talk, more rock) motto for the year and be satisfied if I just get off my ass and actually do SOMEthing towards those goals.
Happy, Healthy New Year, y'all.
* Also of note:
  • I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt. It's like it's formal, but it also says, "I like to party."
  • Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!
  • Abracadabra, homes.


Anonymous said...

We did the SAME thing for New Year's! And it was brilliant. I liked the grace thanking the baby Jesus watching the Baby Einstein educational videos. I peeeeed myself. Happy 2007 dear! LOVED your holiday card.


Jaye Joseph said...

Thank you Jesus for this Powerade.
Oh thank you little tiny baby Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you sweet eight pound six ounce baby Jesus...

or whadevadafuckitwas.

Okay, so when you say 'anniversary dinner' do you mean wedding anniversary? I haven't yet backtracked to fill in on my lost (read: fever-brained) days.

If so, Happy Anniversary! We were married on the 27th, and had a baby on the 31st. Not in the same decade, but whatever--it looks like more fun this way.