February 29, 2012

This Is Dedicated To The One I Love

Six years and 399 posts later, I think it's time to give T-Bone some love. I mean, I've told you before, many times in fact, about what a great partner and father he is, plus The Great Story of how we met. He's a keeper, that one. And I really do know how lucky I am.

But it still hit me like a ton of bricks at a blood cancer conference we went to this weekend. We listened to a panel of "cancer moms" tell their war stories, and several of them had the same doctor. They all nodded when one mom shared a moment from the beginning of their journey when that doctor took her husband and her aside and said, "I can cure your child's cancer. But I can't guarantee that you two will be together when it's over." Damn.

T-Bone and I talked about that at the start of everything - how we really needed to check in with each other every day and take a moment here and there to just BE together - but no one ever put it to us so bluntly, or really any way at all. We could immediately see how difficult this was going to be, even with a solid foundation, and I told him early on that "This is our trial." As a couple, as parents, as people. And it has certainly been that.

And we've kicked ass.

Two months from today, Peach will take her last dose of chemotherapy and go off treatment. Five months from today, I will shave my fool head in celebration of her victory and in support of St. Baldrick's and childhood cancer research. And 50 years from today, T-Bone will still be greeting me every day with "There she is." and his precious smile.

Truly, madly, deeply.


Trevor said...

La la la la la la la la la means
I love you!

Anonymous said...

wah wah wah you made me choke up! xoxo to you both!