August 18, 2008

Back in 15 Minutes. Give or Take.

I swear I have not forsaken thee, dear reader(s?), but I've been a bit bizeee these past two weeks. Here's what I've been up to since we last spoke:
  • Had my first mammogram (twas normal, thanks)
  • Interviewed for and was offered two jobs (more on that later)
  • Had my first head-between-the-knees-paperbag-needing hyperventilation episode (see above)
  • Spent my first night ever without Peach and Olive in the house
  • Went "out" twice in one week for the first time in 8+ years
  • Watched a shitload of Olympic swimming
  • Found evidence of "field mice" (NOT rats) in my flower bed
  • Sat inside my first ambulance (more on THAT later)
  • Got my first stitches (ditto)
  • And my first crutches (oy)

I know. Glamorous, right? Well, at least Mrs. Squirrel thinks so, as she awarded me some Order of Blogging KickAssery trophy or something. See:


LawMommy said...

See, I was just kidding with the whole "falling of a cliff" thing. But, it does sound like you fell off something! Crutches blow...

Anonymous said...

Ooooh blog fodder! I mean, are you ok? Congrats on the two job offers!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, hope you're OK (seriously, your FIRST time on crutches?). But congrats on the job offers!