When we moved into our house two years ago, we finally had enough room for the baby grand piano from my parents' house, and Peach and Olive have been fascinated with it ever since. We've spent a lot of time banging around and playing chopsticks and the like, but I've also been giving Peach actual lessons here and there. My mom saved every bit of music I ever played, so the piano bench is a virtual time capsule of all of my old song books, theory books, and sheet music. Oh, the sheet music.
My piano teacher was the sweetest little grandma lady you'd ever want to meet, and I loved going to her house for lessons because she had hard candy all over the place, and she always kept her pencils perfectly sharpened. Every once in a while, she would take suggestions from me on songs I might like to learn, and she would get me the sheet music. So, unearthed from the piano bench, here are some of my brilliant suggestions:

What can I say. It was the 70s, and I liked that commercial. I never did quite master playing it, but I could sing the shit out of it. Speaking of ...

Kinda ashamed to admit this, but I've never seen the whole movie. Same thing with the Babs version of A Star is Born, but I wore out my parents' soundtrack album anyway. Yes, children of today, ALBUM.

I was really more of a Blue Lagoon gal, so I've never seen this movie either, but apparently I could not resist the lyrical genius of one Mr. Lionel Richie. How else can I explain this:

Holy shit. I can't believe I ever actually said, "Um, I think I'd like to learn, "Lady" by Kenny Rogers." He's so HAIRY. And friggin OLD. And CREEPY. Nice suit, though.

Now this one, I KNOW I asked for because I loved that movie. I can still see myself at the piano, wearing my headgear and rainbow terrycloth romper, quietly weeping as I think about how Robby Benson's love helped Lexie learn to skate again. Need a picture? Here:

1 comment:
FREAKY! I had EVERY ONE of those pieces of sheet music, except the Kenny Rogers!
I used to play them on my flute.
Looking through...the eyeyeyes...of loooove.
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