February 4, 2007

Whoa, Nelly ...

I've been waiting to post this so as not to tempt fate, but it seems that the inevitable is happening, right now, as we speak, at Casa de Bone: Olive is "gwowing up." The day after Christmas, she decided she was potty trained, and she's been 99% ever since. Then, three weeks ago, she rather unceremoniously pulled her beloved pacifier out of her mouth, handed it to me, and said, "I don't need this anymore, Mommy. I'm 'gwowing up.'" O-kaaay ...

See, we haven't really "worked" on any of this yet. We've had a few false starts on the potty training, and we've discussed ad nauseum how big girls don't need "sassies" and that we could give hers to babies that don't have sassies, like maybe her new twin cousins. To which she would always reply, "That's a great idea! But not today." She only used it to get to sleep and sometimes in the car, and I knew she would give it up sometime (preferably before our next visit to the dentist), but I thought it would be a bit of a struggle, considering that I can barely give up my vices for Lent, much less for FOREVER. Without a peep? But that's pretty much what she did. She's asked about it three times, all in the context of "Mommy! You need to send my sassies to the babies! You need to do it!" Yes, madame. I'll get right on that.

NOW, the child is making noise about wanting to sleep in her big girl bed instead of the loving confines of her mama's arms, and I have to put my foot right down on that. I am just not ready for that AT ALL, sister, so just hold your little horses. Specifically, these:

The herd has gathered for a birthday party. I believe it was for Sparkleworks or Rainbow Dash, but it might have been for Spot or the twins, Blackie and Burns. Regardless, we had to shut the thing down early thanks to a crasher:

And if anybody's looking for something to do tonight, I think there's a football game on.


Me said...

Oh wow... such a bittersweet time. We're going through gwowing up stuff too, but past yours... "Mom, what are condoms?" She's still my snuggle bunny, though.

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I'm sending AO over to your house. It's been like a freaking rehab over here. She must have picked up on my quitting smoking and declared she was sending the paci to the babies and giving up fighting too. It didn't last long once the withdrawl hit.

Hell, I sucked my thumb practically till I started smoking so it can't be all that bad, right?