The past week, Peach has been going "Into the Woods" for school everyday. Every year, some parishioners of the church her school is affiliated with invite the Kindergarten to invade their grounds (they have grounds, yo) and get back to nature. They have troops (she was a Mighty Mighty Lizard), and they go to Art, Science, and Photography centers everyday. They fish for minnows in one of two huge ponds full of man-eating koi, and they play in one of several meadows that has a rope swing, fort, monkey bars, the works. She left each morning in throw-down clothes and shoes, covered in bug spray, and came home each afternoon with rocks she found and God's Eyes she made, talking about Native American legends and things like SYMBIOSIS. I volunteered to help on Thursday, and it was like we were in another world all day - so green, so beautiful, so fun. All this about 5 minutes from downtown. Weird.
How would you like this to be your classroom everyday?
How would you like this to be your classroom everyday?
How would you like to see this out your window everyday?
How would you like to haul your ass up this driveway everyday to check the mail?
Actually, I saw the mailman drive right up to the front door. Sweet.
Wonder Boy's daycare was not unlike this. And it made me very happy to know that he was communing with nature and shit.
(And by that I mean, nature and stuff. I didn't mean that he was communing with shit.
Although he probably was.)
Small world! And, yes on the prints and the hats. Peach has been looking forward to this since she was 3, so it was a great week.
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